School rolls
The Ministry of Education carries out statistical collections (roll returns) from New Zealand schools at different times during the year.
The data reported here is based on the 1 July roll returns since it provides detailed information on age and ethnicity across all schools for trend analysis.
Last Updated: November 2024
School roll information is core information required for managing the education system. The Ministry uses roll return data:
- to fund and staff schools
- to support policy analysis
- to monitor the results of the New Zealand education system
- for national and international reporting
More information about school roll returns can be found on the School Rolls Data Collection page.
The key measure of roll returns is a head count of students; and is the data presented on this page.
Roll returns also include information on:
- the numbers of students taught in Te Reo
- the number of students taught in a Pacific language
- a snapshot of the subjects students are studying.
School numbers are also presented with student rolls used to show the size of the school.
Type of School | Number of Students | Change 2023-24 | |||||
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||
Primary Subtotal | 476,240 | 477,516 | 474,709 | 463,145 | 466,177 | 470,517 | 4,340 |
Full Primary | 186,351 | 187,961 | 188,659 | 185,689 | 187,273 | 189,029 | 1,756 |
Contributing | 233,082 | 231,627 | 228,529 | 221,154 | 222,419 | 225,017 | 2,598 |
Intermediate | 56,807 | 57,928 | 57,521 | 56,302 | 56,485 | 56,471 | -14 |
Composite Subtotal | 58,340 | 61,157 | 62,821 | 64,972 | 68,226 | 70,625 | 2,399 |
Composite | 51,177 | 52,742 | 54,541 | 55,693 | 58,193 | 59,881 | 1,688 |
Restricted Composite | 1,532 | 1,615 | 1,607 | 1,557 | 1,551 | 1,580 | 29 |
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu | 5,631 | 6,800 | 6,673 | 7,722 | 8,482 | 9,164 | 682 |
Secondary Subtotal | 278,266 | 283,799 | 285,019 | 282,839 | 292,187 | 305,253 | 13,066 |
Year 7-15 | 68,120 | 69,577 | 70,149 | 69,971 | 73,182 | 77,730 | 4,548 |
Year 9-15 | 209,710 | 213,823 | 214,489 | 212,548 | 218,658 | 227,146 | 8,488 |
Teen Parent Unit | 436 | 399 | 381 | 320 | 347 | 377 | 30 |
Specialist School | 3,786 | 3,875 | 4,023 | 4,195 | 4,448 | 4,604 | 156 |
Total | 816,632 | 826,347 | 826,572 | 815,151 | 831,038 | 850,999 | 19,961 |
Interactive Dashboard
The buttons at the top of the dashboard control what is on the bottom axis of the graph. The “Colour By:” buttons to the right of the graph change the bar’s colours to allow a second group to be shown. To filter the data use any of the Region, School or Student filters on the left. To switch between the filters use the buttons titled "Region", "School" and "Student". By default the dashboard only shows data from the most recent year. To select other years use the dropdown in the top left (under “Filters”).
You can expand the dashboard by pressing the ⤢ icon in the bottom right corner of the dashboard.
Read the instructions (pdf 171kB) for more guidance on using the July School Roll Return dashboard.
Time Series Data
These spreadsheets provide numbers of students for a range of dimensions (such as region, school authority, and ethnicity) across time in a simple, easy to use format.
- Time Series Data for Trend Analysis 1996-2024[MS Excel 81kB]
- Student Rolls by School 2010-2024[MS Excel 15mB]
- Student Rolls by School 2000-2009[MS Excel 9.6mB]
Pivot Tables
These spreadsheets allow you to create your tables by any combination of variables. All spreadsheets have the option of displaying number of students by school, school type variables (such as affiliation), and regional type variables.
Please note: use of this spreadsheet requires MS Excel version 2007 or later.
- Roll by Funding Year Level and Student Type 2000-2024[MS Excel 9.9mB]
Pivot Tables with Total Response Ethnicity
Please note: Total Response Ethnicity is where students are counted once in each ethnic group they identify with. E.g. If a student identifies as Māori and Asian then they’ll be counted in both the Māori and Asian student count. Total Response is the preferred way to report ethnicity.
For more details about the Ministry’s ethnicity data, see here: Ethnic Group Codes
- Roll by Age and Total Response Ethnicity 2016-2024[MS Excel 8.7mB]
- Roll by Funding Year Level and Total Response Ethnicity 2016-2024[MS Excel 7.6mB]
Pivot Tables with Prioritised Ethnicity
Please note: Prioritised Ethnicity is where students that identify with more than one ethnicity are only counted in one ethnicity. They are prioritised in the order of Māori, Pacific, Asian, MELAA, other groups except European/Pākehā.
- Roll by Age and Ethnicity 2014-2024[MS Excel 9.7mB]
- Roll by Funding Year Level and Ethnicity 2014-2024[MS Excel 9.9mB]
Machine Readable Data
The following data are provided in a format (csv) that can easily processed by a computer. It contains the same data that is in the school rolls pivot tables.
- Machine Readable: Roll by Age and Ethnicity (2014-2024) [Zipped File 4.3mB]
- Machine Readable: Roll by Funding Year Level and Ethnicity (2014-2024) [Zipped File 4.7mB]
Technical Notes
Schools can and do make amendments to their roll data outside of a collection period if they notice mistakes that affect their funding entitlements, often brought about by audit visits. These changes will not be reflected in the roll data that has been published.
School Data Dimension Notes
The age (in years) as at 1 July of the student enrolled at the school.
This dimension is most commonly represented for state integrated schools. The religious or organisational affiliation of schools, for example, Roman Catholic, Montessori. Only schools that requested an affiliation are included in that affiliation group.
The ownership of the school for example State, State-Integrated and Private.
The decile assigned to the school. Students from low socio-economic communities face more barriers to learning than students from high socio-economic communities. Schools that draw their roll from these low socio-economic communities are given greater funding to combat these barriers. The mechanism used to calculate and allocate this additional funding is most often known as school deciles.
Schools are assigned a socio-economic score based on five census derived socio-economic factors. The 10 percent of schools with the lowest scores are considered decile 1 schools, the next 10 percent of schools are considered decile 2 schools, etc. Decile 1 schools have the highest proportion of low SES students.
Decile was replaced with the Equity Index for funding purposes in 2023. 2022 is the last year Decile will be used for reporting purposes.
Education Region:
The education region the school of the student is located in. These are twelve administrative regions created by the Ministry of Education and aligned with the Ministry's ten local offices.
Ethnic Group (Prioritised):
The ethnic group the member belongs to, for example, Māori, Asian. The ethnic group data is presented at level 1 and prioritised in the order of Māori, Pacific, Asian, MELAA, other groups except European/Pākehā. Prior to 2009, NZAID (MFAT) and FFP students had a combined separate ethnic group. NZAID (MFAT) students are now considered to be domestic and are part of the regular ethnic group counts. International Fee-Paying are a separate ethnic group.
Ethnic Group (Total Response):
The ethnic group the student belongs to, for example, Māori, Asian. The ethnic group data is presented at level 1 and total response. That means students are counted in each level 1 ethnic group they have indicated they belong to. While a student may be represented in more than one ethnic group, they are only counted once in the ethnic group "Total".
Funding Year Level:
Prior to 2008 this was known as Year of Schooling or MOE Year Level. The Funding Year Level measures the number of years of schooling a student has received and provides the Ministry of Education with a method of counting students for funding and staffing purposes. The Funding Year Level for most students is based on the date they first started school. It is independent of the way schools are organised and independent of the particular programme of study that a student may undertake.
Kaupapa Māori Education Peak Body Affiliation:
Identifies whether a school or kura is affiliated with one of the Kaupapa Māori education peak bodies . For schooling the two peak bodies are:
- Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa (TRN)
- Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa (NKAI)
Regional Council:
The regional council area the school of the student is located in. Regional council boundaries are defined by Statistics New Zealand.
School Gender:
The gender(s) a school caters to, for example co-educational or boys school.
School Type:
The type of the school, for example, primary school, composite school, secondary school.
Schools are grouped (by school type) into four sectors of schooling education, Primary, Secondary, Composite and Specialist.
Territorial Authority:
The territorial authority area the school of the student is located in. Territorial authority boundaries are defined by Statistics New Zealand. We have subdivided the Auckland Supercity territorial authority into smaller wards to give more detailed information of the area.
Student Types:
Regular Student:
A domestic student, who is aged less than 19 years at 1 January of the roll count year. Includes; students in general classrooms and those in special needs units. Excludes; international fee-paying students, NZAID-funded students (prior to 2009), alternative education students and adult students. This classification is used by the Ministry for funding purposes.
An international student (prior to 2009 these were Foreign Fee Paying students) who meets the full tuition costs on their own or from funds provided to them by sponsors other than the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
NZAID Funded Student:
New Zealand Agency for International Development funded student. A student on a scholarship from the New Zealand Agency for International Development. Prior to 2004 this was known as a MFAT scholarship. As of 2009 these students are now part of the domestic count and not included in international fee paying student totals.
Alternative Education Student:
A young person aged between thirteen and a half and sixteen years of age who has become alienated from the education system. As they are either unwilling to attend a regular school or schools are unwilling to enrol them in a mainstream setting they attend an Alternative Education Programme.
Adult Student:
A domestic student who has continued at a school and is aged 19 years or over on 1 January of the roll count year.
Other Roll Information
Homeschooling information, that is, the number of students that are homeschooled, is also available.
ENROL is a register of student enrolments. It lets schools update enrolments as students enrol, change schools or leave the school system. ENROL is another source of roll information.